Understanding financial statements – 11th edition pdf download
The material covered in each chapter helps students approach financial statements with enhanced confidence and understanding of a firm's historical, current, and prospective financial condition and performance.
The Eleventh Edition includes new case studies based on existing companies and enhanced learning tools to help students quickly grasp and apply the materials. Fraser and Ormiston presents material in an engaging fashion that helps readers make sense of complex financial information, leading to intelligent and profitable! Get BOOK.
Author : Aileen M. Download Instructors Manual 0. Pearson offers special pricing when you package your text with other student resources. If you're interested in creating a cost-saving package for your students, contact your Pearson rep. We're sorry! We don't recognize your username or password. Please try again. The work is protected by local and international copyright laws and is provided solely for the use of instructors in teaching their courses and assessing student learning.
You have successfully signed out and will be required to sign back in should you need to download more resources. Lyn M. Fraser Aileen Ormiston. If you're an educator Request a copy Buy this product Download instructor resources Alternative formats. If you're a student Buy this product Alternative formats. Spoiler alert: look for Facebook in Chapter 5!
Learning objectives have been added to all chapters. The test bank has been completely revised, and problems with solutions have been added to the website. Problems in writing skills, Internet, research, and Intel offer students the opportunity to analyze a real, high-tech company throughout the text.
Understanding Financial Statements, 11th Edition. Fraser Aileen Ormiston. Learning objectives have been added to all chapters. The test bank has been completely revised, and problems with solutions have been added to the website. Problems in writing skills, Internet, research, and Intel offer students the opportunity to analyze a real, high-tech company throughout the text. Comprehensive analysis problems at the end of each chapter based on the Eastman Kodak Form K and Annual Report illustrate how to complete a financial statement analysis using the template available online www.
Footnotes throughout the text provide resources that may be used by instructors to form the basis of a reading list for students. A glossary of key terms is available in the index. Examples, study questions, and problems illustrate accounting concepts and the current accounting environment.
Self-tests with solutions are provided at the end of chapters for students to monitor their progress. Chapter 1 now includes a section on the characteristics, assumptions, principles, and basis of accounting.
Chapter 2 has an expanded section on types of long-term debt. Up-to-date cases based on real-world companies have been added to each chapter. Spoiler alert: look for Facebook in Chapter 5! New to This Edition. Chapter 1 now includes a section on the characteristics, assumptions, principles and basis of accounting. Summary of Financial Ratios B. Solutions to Self-Tests C. Glossary Index.